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Gaidin : In the Old Tongue, "Brother to Battles." A title used by Aes Sedai for the Warders.

gai�shain : In the Old Tongue, "Pledged to Peace in Battle." An Aiel taken prisoner by other Aiel during raid or battle is required by ji�e�toh to serve his or her captor humbly for a year and a day, touching no weapon and doing no violence. A Wise One, a blacksmith, a child, or a woman with a child under the age of ten may not be taken gai�shain.

Game of Houses : See Daes Dae�mar.

gentling : The act, performed by Aes Sedai, of shutting off a male who can channel from the One Power. This is necessary because any man who learns to channel will go insane from the taint upon saidin and will almost certainly do horrible things with the Power in his madness. A man who has been gentled can still sense the True Source, but he cannot touch it. Whatever madness has come before gentling is arrested by the act of gentling, but not cured by it, and if it is done soon enough, death can be averted.

Ghealdan : An inland nation. Bordered on the north and east by Altara, on the south by Amadicia, and the west by the Mountains of Mist.

gleeman : A traveling storyteller, musician, juggler, tumbler and all-around entertainer. Known by their trademark cloaks of many-colored patches, they perform mainly in the villages and smaller towns, since larger towns and cities have other entertainments available.

Goaban : A nation formed during the War of the Hundred Years. Weakening in our set time period, all traces of the nation will vanish by 500 NE. It is located on the Aryth Ocean, and is bordered on the north by Saldaea, and on the south by Arad Doman.

Great Blight, the : A region in the far north, entirely by the corrupted by the Dark One. A haunt of Trollocs, Myrddraal, and other creatures of the Dark One.

Great Hunt of the Horn : A cycle of stories concerning the legendary search for the Horn of Valere, in the years between the end of the Trolloc Wars and the beginning of the War of the Hundred Years. If told in their entirety, the cycle would take many days.

Great Lord of the Dark : The name by which Darkfriends refer to the Dark One, claiming that to use his true name is blasphemous.

Great Pattern, the : The Wheel of Time weaves the Patterns of the Ages into the Great Pattern, which is the whole of existence and reality, past, present and future. Also known as the Lace of Ages. See also Pattern of an Age; Wheel of Time.

Great Serpent : A symbol for time and eternity, ancient before the Age of Legends began, consisting of a serpent eating its own tail.